カラー···ブラックサイズ...1(S)■デザイン\rアメリカ軍採用の、CVC TANKERS COVERALL(戦闘車両乗務員スーツ)をベースに\r現代的なシルエット、デザインに落とし込んだカバーオールです。\r袖が着脱可能な為、ノースリーブで着用頂けるのがWHIMSICオリジナルデザインで、\r季節や気分に合わせたスタイリングが楽しめます。\r\r袖が着脱可能、裾口がファスナーで開閉可能、ウエストにドローコードが付き様々なシルエット変化と着こなしが楽しめます。\r袖を外してインナーにタンクトップやTシャツ、ロンT、シャツなど\r中に合わせるインナー次第で気温の高いシーズンも着用可能でオススメです。■Design This coverall is based on the CVC TANKERS COVERALL (combat vehicle crew suit) adopted by the US military, with a simple silhouette and design. The sleeves are detachable, so you can wear it sleeveless, which is an original WHIMSIC design, and you can enjoy styling according to the season and your mood. The sleeves are detachable, the hem can be opened and closed with a zipper, and there is a drawstring at the waist, so you can enjoy various silhouette changes and styles. Remove the sleeves and wear a tank top, T-shirt, long T-shirt, shirt, etc. as an inner layer. Depending on the inner layer you wear underneath, it can be worn in hot seasons, so it is recommended.